We are in a new era that includes social distancing.
But social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation.
I love visiting different guilds and demonstrating how important photography is to quilting. We might not be able to meet in person, but it doesn’t mean we can’t meet virtually, as in a Zoom format.
My topics that I offer to guilds:
“Shoot Your Quilt” and ” How To Upgrade Your Quilt Toolbox” can be presented “In-Person” or in a “Virtual Format”. My presentation gives practical tips that that can be used by every quilter. The format is a power point presentation with a trunk show, followed by a question and answer period.
My workshop, “How To Edit Photographs With your Smartphone” also can be done as a virtual presentation. It is very interactive with practical information. No supply list or sewing machine needed!
Any questions just contact me and we can talk about how I can customize a presentation for your guild… virtual or in-person.
310 343-3436